

Little Princess Trust

Sample from the rebrand of the Little Princess Trust charity, worked on while Creative Director at Hello. LPT supply real hair wigs to children going through hair loss as part of medical treatments. The rebrand also included creating a hand made gift box for the royal wedding.


Moonflower Madrid

Rebrand for a boutique florists in Madrid. The logo design is based on an abstract representation of cut flower stems in a vase, and also references the XV anniversary of the store. A ‘Pollen’ pattern was also created for print material and window graphics, and I shot all the flower imagery in a home studio suspending flowers and stems from the ceiling with fishing line.


100 ideas

Visual identity and exhibition graphics for a brand exploring innovative and sustainable products.
(375, Bristol).


AVE concept

Visual identity concept for the Spanish high speed train, ‘AVE’ (meaning bird). Designed while working at Tau in Madrid, the concept was part of a round of pitches commissioned by the Spanish rail operator Renfe.


Union for the Mediterranean Summit

Visual identity and samples of exhibition graphics for the 2nd Union for the Mediterranean Summit, held in Barcelona. Designed at Tau, Madrid.




Sara Baras